Read Learn Fly
I am excited to announce that I will be launching a podcast. Read Learn Fly.I hope it will be out by the end of this year. The goal is to increase the love ofreading for all children in this noisy world. My dream is to help boost a morethoughtful and imaginative society. Each episode will be filled with tips, advice and informationfor adults to give them all they need to encourage children aged 0-11 to readmore. The show will cover topics such as ‘Why should I read with my baby’ or‘Phonics, what are they?’ There also will be an array of interesting guestssuch as authors, teachers and literacy consultants appearing on the show togive the listeners the very best and up-to-date knowledge. I named it Read Learn Flybecause once you can read easily you can learn easily. Learning more fills your mind and with that knowledge you can fly.